Saturday, May 13, 2017

Transplanting Seedlings

Yesterday and today I transplanted seedlings I started indoors because it finally has gotten warm enough to do so and due to seedlings really shooting up tall. I don't know how to prevent them from sprouting out like this. I have had this problem in all the years I have tried starting seeds indoors.

Yesterday, I transplanted green beans, cucumbers and mini-pumpkin plants that I started indoors. I also transplanted some lettuce varieties I purchased from Lowe's. Today I transplanted zucchini seedlings and I put some protection around them to keep the cats and squirrels from damaging them. I also took the remaining lettuce plants I had and planted them in a huge container along with a cherry tomato plant in the center.

I planted corn indoors today along with some yellow organic string beans and a couple of small white gourd plants. I just love the gourd & squash type plants. Always have ever since I was a child.

Monday, May 1, 2017

2017 Gardening Season Nearing!

After a year (plus) hiatus from posting on this gardening blog I have returned. It is May 1 and nearing the planting season in these parts. Today I planted the seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, string beans and zucchini in paper cups indoors. I probably should have started earlier because you never know if you will get seedlings or not. But in the next few days I will prepare additional seeds indoors.

We have outdoor cats here so this year I vowed to close off the edible-plant garden beds to them. Feline waste is not a good fertilizer for fruits and vegetables so I want to make sure they stay away. My intent is to close off the sides of the beds with either plexi-glass or some sort of wire mesh and the top with an easily removable cover which allows air, water and light to get through.

I have to go through my packs of old seeds. I just found out that tomato seeds may be good for up to 8 years! Will prepare more tomorrow.